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Use InboundWriter To Identify Popular Topics Before You Write

Figuring out SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the biggest challenges of online marketing. It is easy to get swept away and write content that can negatively affect the visibility of a website, without even knowing what you are doing wrong.

If there is one practice Google absolutely detests, it is keyword stuffing.

Luckily, there are online tools that can push you in the right direction, and create content that appeals to everyone — search engines, social media websites and your readers.

Enter InboundWriter.

This software suggests what to write about by identifying and suggesting popular topics, and it then makes your content more effective via automated keyword research.

Using complex algorithms and mined data from the web, the program matches you with your target audience by telling you how many keywords to include, what length to write, and whether your content has the right balance of keyword repetition.

Too few keywords and Google will have trouble detecting what your topic is. Too many, and you are in troubled waters, for sure.

The service also provides insights into what people are saying about your niche, using a Twitter feature that goes by the name of “Topic Buzz”.

InboundWriter is available as a freemium service with three different plans. The Free tier allows optimization of 4 documents per month. The Professional plan runs $40 a month, and gets you 15 documents every month. An Enterprise package is also available.

You can find out more about InboundWriter at the official website here.