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Infographic: Mobile Marketing Matters

There is no doubting the fact that those without mobile websites, or with poorly designed and inferiorly optimized mobile sites are losing out on the number and quality of visits they see from mobile users.

The mobile revolution may still be a recent trend, but smartphone and tablet users are fairly demanding when it comes to usability, accessibility and even design. So much that that having a simple mobile website with custom theme is not enough these days.

Doing that is not going to bring you the results you can expect from a fully responsive website.

Need a little more convincing? This new infographic from WSI has the facts and figures of why mobile marketing matters — statistics to justify the transition to a mobile optimized user experience:

“We live in a world where we need the Internet at our fingertips, and smartphones and tablets are now capable of delivering a consistent (and more efficient) digital experience than cumbersome laptops and desktops.

It’s funny to think about, but this generation’s children are going to look at computer towers the same way we now regard tube TVs and rabbit ears (with a tinge of disbelief that they were ever top-of-the-line products).”

Not funny at all, sister!

Mobile optimized websites are one of the most important considerations for online business owners. Whether you have a blog or portal that relies on ad revenues, or an affiliate marketing website, or even if you sell your own product, mobile is the future and the time for preparation is now.

We’ll end with some numbers, some hard hitting numbers, just for the record.

Some 23% of the United States is mobile only, meaning they do not use desktop or traditional PCs to search for and find information online. And 1 in 4 searches are now conducted on mobile devices.

No wonder, then that the projected expense on mobile marketing is on track to reach $400 billion by 2015. In the US alone! Now if that is not an incentive to act on this, then nothing is.

Click the infographic below to view the full high-resolution version.