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Covfefe – a great opportunity for digital marketers



An absolutely RIDICULOUS tweet typo from the President of the United States created worldwide memes and entertainment for a couple of weeks.

Here’s the thing though, if you’re running any type of digital business, you need to recondition your mind to see those events differently – not as entertainment – but as an opportunity. A big one.

What is Covfefe?

I can’t believe I just wrote that title – anyway, here goes.

On May 31, 2017, President Trump sent out a tweet that read, in its entirety, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”. Now he deleted the tweet only hours after its posting but it immediately went viral, becoming an Internet meme and a source of widespread jokes.

That notorious tweet was liked and retweeted over a hundred thousand times, making it one of the most popular tweets of 2017 to that date, as people speculated on the meaning of the word.

The opportunity

This absolutely ridiculous word was created (by accident) by the President of the United States and will be part of the world’s history forever.

The easy thing to do (mea culpa) was to laugh about it, watch the news and make fun of the story with friends and family.

The SMART thing to do would have been to rush out to Bluehost and BUY the domain.


As most of you should know by now, the hardest part of creating an online business is getting traffic for your idea. When you see unconventional words that garner worldwide interest, you need to recondition your mind about exploiting those potential opportunities.

Options for Covfefe.com

Covfefe.com is an awesome domain for a political blog. It’s an awesome domain for political products. It’s an awesome domain for a quirky fun website about trivia or lighthearted items like memes. It’s an awesome domain for a new software product that will change the world.

Heck it would have been an awesome domain to hold and sell.

It ended up being used by someone to sell products and depending upon their ability to build a profitable online business, they may or may not be doing well with it.

All they had to do was create a simple logo and cute graphics, head to Shopify/Merchify, slap the logo on products and a storefront and there you go – a fully functional online business.

The bottom line

Think asymmetrically and stay alert. These opportunities come along every once in a while and the great thing about the internet is, the fastest one to pull the trigger wins.

The next time you see something really funny that trends worldwide, think about how to leverage that idea in your business, your content, your domain etc.

It literally could make you millions of dollars.