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5 Amazing Hashtag Tools You Must Use

Venture a day in the online world, and one sure thing you will see are hashtags. They are everywhere on the social media landscape, and what started on Twitter has now spread to pretty much all other social websites, including Facebook.

We talked about hashtag story, and how relevant they are for online marketers, a few days back.

But while they are a great way to research and get involved in conversations with your customers and influencers on Twitter, the social site only offers a very simple interface for hashtag management.

Your best bet is to branch out to third party tools and services, 5 of which are listed below:


The last thing you want to do is jump into an online conversation without knowing what it really is about. This handy tool provides you with a definition and relevant information about hashtags you enter. You can even add your own definitions for terms in your niche, and unique hashtags you create.


This popular service is great for finding existing conversations that you can contribute to. A visual representation of important conversations related to a particular hashtag is provided, along with top influencers, trending data for the last 2 months, and recent tweets. Great for competitive analysis.


A unique service that tracks conversations happening across a number of social networking websites, including Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Vine and more. You can even create your own boards based on unique hashtags and include multimedia elements like images and videos.

Tweet Binder

Searching for keywords and hashtags is fine, but what if you want to categorize them? Enter Tweet Binder. You can organize results into binders in order to drill down further. For instance, you can search for the hashtag ‘Strawberry’ and then refine it to only see tweet that contain the word ‘Juice’.


This highly advanced tool streamlines your Twitter chat experience. Twubs posts your tweets on their chat schedule, allowing you potentially reach more users. You can even brand your page, giving you the ability to promote your business to your audience. The service is quick and snappy too.