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13 steps you need to follow to build a profitable high traffic technology blog – Part One – Intro

13 steps to building a profitable high traffic technology blog

I teach a lot of digital marketing topics but the the information I am about to share with you is by far what I get the most demand for.

How to build a profitable, high traffic technology blog

There are over 1.2 billion websites on the internet and hundreds of millions of those are WordPress. Every day, millions of people come on to the web for the first time and millions of people realize that they can try and make money online as well.

In that vein, every day millions of people realize that they will fail at making money online for 2 reasons.

Most people simply do not have the propensity to learn and the patience to fail until they succeed.

As a result, the amount of people who know how to create a successful online business like a technology blog are very few. The amount of us who are able to do it solo are smaller still.

Why create a technology blog?

Technology blogs are awesome if you like technology. Depending on your background and the niche you choose, it can be the most fun you ever have in your life.

In many cases, you get to write about something that is fun, has millions of people interested in it and you can quickly become a leader and influencer if you do it right.

In addition, creating a tech blog is still (in 2018) very profitable if you do it right. You can make a six figure income if you are strategic from the start.

That’s part of the reason why I am writing this series – to give you a roadmap to putting together your own profitable technology blog.

In fact, a lot of the lessons in this series will be helpful for whatever online business you decide to start (if you choose to do so).

My experience with technology blogs

I am fortunate to have done something only very few people have ever done – I created and ran a profitable, high traffic independent technology blog for years.

Some interesting anecdotes:

High traffic technology blogs literally changed my life.

Of course, to get to that point, I failed at building a lot of websites and wasted a lot of money like a rock star! Goes with the territory.

But after several years of figuring it out, I came up with a blue print that I was able to replicate over and over again to make money.

That’s what I am going to share with you. For FREE. I’ll share the mistakes I made and give you the 13 steps I discovered to building the framework for a high traffic profitable technology blog.

Tomorrow, I’ll walk you through the first step – how to pick a technology niche to focus on. You’ll learn about how to figure out what technology to cover, what subjects don’t work and my exclusive belly of the whale strategy.

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